September 28, 2013

28.08.2013 - 10:00 a.m. - Leaving for Singapore

After one week of not being able to sleep due to excitement we are finally leaving. Tired, but happy!
Our bikes are packed and we ready to go. Two or our friends, (Thanks Santi, thanks Fabia) will accompany us the first 30km to Rapperswil.
The bikes are really, really heavy but since we will pass through almost all climate zones we had to take a lot.

September 23, 2013

September 14, 2013


Viajar es marcharse de casa,
es dejar los amigos
es intentar volar;
volar conociendo otras ramas
recorriendo caminos
es intentar cambiar.

Viajar es vestirse de loco
es decir "no me importa"
es querer regresar.
Regresar valorando lo poco
saboreando una copa,
es desear empezar.

Viajar en sentirse poeta,
escribir una carta,
es querer abrazar.
Abrazar al llegar a una puerta
añorando la calma
es dejarse besar.

Viajar es volverse mundano
es conocer otra gente
es volver a empezar.
Empezar extendiendo la mano,
aprendiendo del fuerte,
es sentir soledad.

Viajar es marcharse de casa,
es vestirse de loco
diciendo todo y nada en una postal.
Es dormir en otra cama,
sentir que el tiempo es corto,
viajar es regresar.
Travelling is leaving home,
parting with friends
it’s trying to fly;
to fly along new routes
crossing paths
it is trying to change.

Travelling is dressing crazy
it’s saying “I don’t care”
it’s wanting to go back.
To return appreciating the small things
sipping a drink,
it’s wanting to begin. 

Travelling is feeling like a poet,
writing a card,
it’s wanting to hug.
Embracing in a doorway
longing for calm
it’s stopping to kiss.

Travelling is to become worldly
it’s to meet other people
it’s to return to the beginning.
It’s to start offering a hand,
learning from the strong,
it’s to feel solitude. 

Travelling is leaving home,
it’s dressing crazy
saying everything and nothing in a postcard.
It’s sleeping in another bed,
it’s feeling that time is short,
travelling is to go back.

                                                                            Gabriel García Márquez